The average house price on HUNSDON MANOR GARDENS is £465,059
The most expensive house in the street is 6 HUNSDON MANOR GARDENS with an estimated value of £632,382
The cheapest house in the street is 3 HUNSDON MANOR GARDENS with an estimated value of £315,640
The house which was most recently sold was 4 HUNSDON MANOR GARDENS, this sold on 17 Feb 2012 for £210,000
The postcode for HUNSDON MANOR GARDENS is HR9 7FQ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 HUNSDON MANOR GARDENS Terraced £357,990 £170,000 26 Mar 2004
2 HUNSDON MANOR GARDENS Terraced £333,754 £182,500 2 Dec 2008
3 HUNSDON MANOR GARDENS Terraced £315,640 £179,500 26 May 2006
4 HUNSDON MANOR GARDENS Detached £362,826 £210,000 17 Feb 2012
5 HUNSDON MANOR GARDENS Detached £489,925 £290,000 8 Nov 2006
6 HUNSDON MANOR GARDENS Detached £632,382 £317,500 2 Jun 2004
7 HUNSDON MANOR GARDENS Detached £619,053 £304,950 14 May 2004
8 HUNSDON MANOR GARDENS Detached £608,903 £299,950 7 May 2004